Baby H

 BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, December 30, 2012

15 Weeks - Our Orange!

It's been another good weekend, besides that fact I had to work on Saturday for a half day.  So the weekend went by fairly quickly.  Although, I do get off at noon on Monday and I'm off on Tuesday.  So that will be nice.  

We played a fair amount of board games this weekend as well.  We went and got a couple more.  We got Battleship, Connect 4, and Jenga.  Evan is into a serious game of Battleship here!! 

Today is Baby H's 15 weeks!! (Don't mind the glasses)

your baby's the size of a navel orange!
The average fetus at 15 weeks weighs 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches -- and his proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now outmeasure his arms.
your baby at 15 weeks
  • You probably can't feel it yet, but she's squirming a ton!
  • She might even be hiccuping in there.
  • She's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now.

Oh... And!! Surprise flowers from Evan!! :) 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Niece Christmas!

We love our nieces to death!  They are super cute!  We got Mikayla the comforter, sheets, and pillow shams for the Disney Princess bedding for Christmas.  And we got Makynna a light up book and two outfits.  Below are pictures of them with their Christmas gifts.  Just because we have to brag about how adorable our little nieces are! 

Before they opened their gifts...

 Mikayla reading Makynna her book, while sitting on her comforter...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

14 Weeks! Our Little Lemon!

We've had a great weekend so far.  It's been so nice to just relax! :)  I also have off tomorrow and Tuesday.  So it will be a nice relaxing and long weekend.  We hardly ever get to spend extended weekends at the house together. This is a great Christmas! :)

Today is also 14 weeks for Baby H!  Evan bought me a new shirt for our 14 week picture.  

your baby's the size of a lemon!
At week 14, your baby is 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces, he's almost doubled in weight since last week and keeps on growing.

your baby at 14 weeks
  • He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
  • His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him keep warm!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nursery Update

While we have a couple of weeks off of school, we decided to go ahead and start transforming our spare room into the nursery! :)  We moved our spare bed into Evan's room.  And rearranged in there, so he still has plenty of room.  The bed in there works out nicely, he can now lay on that and play his games.  And I can lay/sit in there with him. 

Here is a picture of our nursery so far.  We still need to find a mattress that we like.  And once we find out what we are having, we will paint and get our bedding/changing pad.  Come on January 29th!  Only 41 days away.  Let the count down begin!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

13 weeks!

This has been a good weekend. Yesterday we rested most of the day.  I had a sore throat and a cough, Evan had a headache.  It was nice to be able to just relax for the day! :)  Today we went to pick up our changing table from Toys R Us.  My dad got us this for Christmas.  We also received our grades today!  Evan received 2 A's and 2 B's!  So proud.  I received 2 A's, an A-, and a B.  

Saturday Cuddling... He loves his Momma! 

Today is also Baby H's 13 weeks!  Happy 13 weeks Baby H!!

your baby's the size of a peach!
She's about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and -- proportion-wise -- her head's now about 1/3 the size of her body (remember? It used to be bigger!).
your baby at 13 weeks
  • Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
  • Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Doctor's Update!

Today we had a doctor's appointment for Baby H.  Baby H seems to be doing well, with a heartbeat in the 160's.  If you want to believe old wives tales, heartbeats over 140 are girls.  Soooo - maybe a girl?  Evan has thought all along that the baby is a girl.  He might be right!  Our next appointment is June 11th.  We will be 16 weeks and 5 days.  Then we have our anatomy scan on June 29th at 8:30am.  

We are thinking about putting the sex into an envelop and going home Tuesday (January 29th) in the evening and opening up together.  Then calling the families to tell them.  :) We will see if we can wait all day to find out! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas is in the Air!!

Last week we put the Christmas lights up on the house.  I forgot to add a picture of it last week, but here it is! :)  Evan did most of the work.  I just held the ladder.

Merry Christmas!! :)


Forgot to post the update for Baby H's 12 week:

your baby's the size of a plum!
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that she's got pretty much all her parts, her main job is to keep on growing.

your baby at 12 weeks
  • Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
  • She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • Her brain is developing fast!

Beautiful Weekend! 12 Weeks!!

It's been a beautiful weekend!  It's been in the 70's and sunny.  Gorgeous.  I had to work Saturday until noon.  My mom bought us a crib for Christmas, so while I was at work Evan put the crib together.  We haven't finished taking everything out of the spare bedroom yet, but we put the crib together and have it in the soon to be nursery.  Our neighbors also gave us a Baby Einstien play yard.  As you can see in the picture, we still have to move the spare bed into Evan's playroom.  

After church today, the pups decided to cuddle with Evan.  

Today is also 12 weeks for Baby H!  We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday.  They are taking measurements and we get to hear the heart beat.  We are also touring a daycare in town as well.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Tree & Baby H is 11 weeks!

We picked up our Christmas Tree on Friday evening.  And we decorated it today.  We have all of our Christmas shopping done.  So now we just have to relax until Christmas! :)

Evan putting the star on our Tree! 

The finished product!  Merry Christmas! :)

Today is also Baby H's 11 weeks.  This is what is going on with Baby H this week:

your baby's the size of a lime!
Your fetus is about 1.6 inches long, and she's got about a 1:1 head to body ratio. She now weighs in at about .25 ounces.

your baby at 11 weeks
You can't see it, but she's moving fluidly and gracefully in there.
Her skin is see-through, but she's on her way to looking more like a baby.
Her fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore.
Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.

Here is the 11 week baby bump picture.  In front of our door and reef! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Life!

We wanted to take some pictures for our Christmas cards, but we didn't want to get professional pictures taken.  We have so many professional pictures with our engagement pictures, rehearsal pictures, and wedding pictures.  We are definitely not going to get any more professional pictures taken until our maternity shoot.  So instead, we decided to go out and visit our friends Stephanie and Travis and take pictures out there.  We will be sending out Christmas cards.  But here are a couple of pictures from that day! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wedding Song

Counting our Blessings.  So much has happened in 2012.  We are so blessed!  

Wedding Song to remind of us of our special day.  

Words can not express how thankful I am that Evan has come into my life.  I'm thankful that he never took "no" for a final answer.  I'm thankful for his caring and ever thoughtful ways.  I'm thankful for the true and unconditional love that we share.  But most of all, I am thankful that he has chosen me to spend the rest of his life with. Although, he may say that it is me that chose to spend the rest of my life with him.  Silly Evan... It was never a choice.  You are my one and only.  

Bump Watch for Baby H!

Hello 10 weeks 2 days!! :)  After I eat I get a small "bump" - well... Really probably just bloating.  But we will call it a bump.  ;-)

Our next doctors appointment is December 11th.  We will be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  The first two ultrasounds we were only able to see the heartbeat.  Which was the most amazing thing that we have ever seen! 

The pregnancy is still going really well.  The exhaustion is down.  I feel like I have slightly more energy.  Although, that could be because I just had a couple of days off work to rest and relax with family.  Hardly any nausea or headaches.  So I've been fairly lucky!  Most of our family and friends are guessing that our little one is a boy.  (I think Baby H is a boy!)  But Evan thinks our little one is a girl.  We will see! :)

Oh!  And I got the good news that I will be having a baby shower in Maryland April 13th.  Which is good, because that will probably be the last weekend I will be able to travel before the baby is born.  At least that is the tentative date for our MD baby shower.  My mom and sister are working with my Saturday class schedule.  And our youngest niece should be getting baptized that same weekend.  We are so blessed to have be having our little one.  And to have such a supportive and loving family! :)

Here is a bump picture!!  Bump Watch for Baby H!
(And yes, I did take this in the bathroom at work. Ha!)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend.  We went to Maryland and spent a lot of quality time with our nieces.  We went to Pop White's house for lunch on Thanksgiving and Aunt Vicky's house for dinner on Thanksgiving.  We had an amazing time catching up with family and sharing our good news with some extended family.  Everyone is extremely excited about the new addition to the family.  My nieces were great as well!  It was nice to see them.  We have missed them so much!  Love these girls!

Mikayla eating her PB&J.  Uncle Evan had to go outside and play on her swing set with her.  She loves her Uncle Evan.  Adorable little girl! :)

Little Makynna.  Poor thing is teething like crazy.  Still the happiest baby we have ever seen.  We love her to pieces.  

Baby H

Well, as everyone should already know... We are expecting our first little one on June 23rd!  We couldn't be happier.  Life is great.  Today is Baby H's 10 weeks!  So much is going on right now with our little one:

  • Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Her vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
  • Her fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
  • Plus, she's swallowing and kicking in there. 
Here is a picture at our 8 week 2 day ultrasound:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September Lovin

September has been a very busy month... once again... :)  We are both so busy with school, that when we have any free time we spend it with each other.  Life is great! :)  Evan is doing amazingly well in school!!  I'm doing good in school as well.  

I just had a position change in my job.  I'm now in sales.  It's definitely interesting and a lot different then what I was doing before.  It makes my enthusiasm for my job dramatically increase.  

Evan surprised me with an amazing birthday present!! :)  He bought me new shoes, a new dress, and took me out to dinner to the Melting Pot.  It was a great night!! I received a lot of nice gifts from family as well.  It was a great birthday!

Me and Evan on our date night! :)

Our garage is finally finished!! :)  We still have to paint, but we aren't going to do that for a while.  We are super excited to have this done!  It looks so much better! :)  Once we get an automatic garage door opener, I will be able to park  me car in it! 

Evan chowing down on Oreos.  My little cookie monster!  Love this guy! <3 font="font">

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hectic Beautiful Life!

Goodness... So much has happened in a month...

We went to Ohio to spend some time with Evan's rents.  It was really good to be able to go and catch up.  It was a nice relaxing trip.  We also went to the Cleveland Zoo! :)  I love the zoo.

I went up to Maryland this past weekend.  My grandmother passed away, so I had to drive up for a couple of days.  The viewing and the funeral were as nice as they could be.  It was great to be able to see some family I haven't seen in a long time.  And it was great to have some niece time!  Mikayla kept asking where "her uncle Evan" was.  It was really cute.  I love that she loves Evan so much.  Evan couldn't come up with me because of school.

I still don't have my car back.  I should (hopefully) be getting it back today.  They have had it over 5 weeks now.  We are finishing the inside of our garage and that should be finished this week! :)  We have also been busy planting some fall flowers.  I will take a picture of that and post it sometime this week... Hopefully.  Things have been so hectic with Evan's schooling, my work, and my schooling.  But it's definitely an amazing hectic life!  I wouldn't want it any other way! <3>