It's been another good weekend, besides that fact I had to work on Saturday for a half day. So the weekend went by fairly quickly. Although, I do get off at noon on Monday and I'm off on Tuesday. So that will be nice.
We played a fair amount of board games this weekend as well. We went and got a couple more. We got Battleship, Connect 4, and Jenga. Evan is into a serious game of Battleship here!!
Today is Baby H's 15 weeks!! (Don't mind the glasses)
your baby's the size of a navel orange!
The average fetus at 15 weeks weighs 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches -- and his proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now outmeasure his arms.
your baby at 15 weeks
- You probably can't feel it yet, but she's squirming a ton!
- She might even be hiccuping in there.
- She's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now.
Oh... And!! Surprise flowers from Evan!! :)